Attendance and Programming

Midwood High School Attendance Office


Attendance, Room 119, 718-724-8543/8582




Mr. Albert Peterson, Assistant Principal

Ms. Dana Carioti, School Secretary

Ms. Elda Pisano, School Aide

Ms. Fanny Brown, Attendance Teacher


New York City public students are required to be at school every day that school is in session. The NYC DOE requires young people between ages 6 and 17 to attend school on a full-time basis. Students with less than 90% attendance are considered chronically absent regardless of reason.

Find our full policy here: Midwood HS Every Student, Every Day Attendance Policy

Frequently Asked Questions


Do students need to bring in an absence note upon their return to school?

Students who miss school due to illness or special circumstances should bring in a note upon their return for the absence to be excused. The student should first show their teachers and then bring the note to the Attendance Office (Room 119). Please do not email notes to Attendance staff.


What kind of notes are acceptable?

For short illnesses and extenuating circumstances, a parent/guardian note is acceptable.

For longer absences, it is recommended that you provide a note from a doctor or health-care professional.

For special circumstances, such as court dates, competitions, death in the family, etc. a note should also be provided.


What should the absence note include?

ALL notes should include the student's first and last name, OSIS number, the dates of absence(s), the reason, and a parent/guardian/health-care provider signature.


Where should the student bring their absence note?

All notes should be brought to the Attendance Office, Room 119, upon the date of return. Please do not email notes to Attendance staff.


Why did you receive an absence notification?

Please note, all notifications regarding a student's absence and/or lateness are automated notifications that come from the Department of Education.  Once a student is marked absent or late in their OFFICIAL attendance period, the DOE is notified, and an automated notification is generated. The student was marked absent in their official attendance period (4th or 5th period).


What to do if you believe this notification was made in error?

If you feel the absence/late notification was made in error, you can call the Attendance Office to inquire about the student's attendance. To assist a parent/guardian over the phone, you MUST provide the students' OSIS number. Students may also come to the Attendance Office on their lunch break or when they are free to speak with the Attendance Secretary.



What does a student do if they come into the building late?

If a student enters the building after their official attendance period (4th or 5th), they must go to the Attendance Office, Room 119, to record their attendance. Students who do not follow this procedure run the risk of being marked absent for the day.


Does the student need a late note?

If the student is coming in late due to an appointment, they should bring in a note regarding the lateness so it can be recorded. A late note is not necessary to have your attendance recorded.


When would a student not be permitted to sign in late?

Students who enter the building on time and skip their official attendance period will not be permitted to sign the late sheet.



What should you do if the student needs to leave early?

Students who need to leave school early must have a parent/guardian call the Main Office (718) 724-8500 and give permission for the student to leave. The parent/guardian may also come to the school to sign the student out. Upon return, the student should show the “Out of Building” pass to the teachers of the classes they missed and then bring the pass to Room 119.



What should you do if you take an extended vacation while school is in session?

Students who will be on an extended vacation during school days, must come to the Attendance Office for an “Extended Vacation Form.”  This form MUST be completed and signed by the student's parent/guardian. A copy of the airline/train/boat tickets containing the student's name, date of departure and date of arrival must also be included. Completed forms should be returned to the Attendance Office BEFORE the date of departure. Be advised that Extended Vacations are not excused absences and can be considered educational neglect.


Students with attendance questions are encouraged to stop by the Attendance Office, Room 119, during their lunch period or at the end of their scheduled day.