School Policies

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Equalization is the process by which students are moved from one section of a class to another to meet class size limits set by forth by the UFT contract. We have ten days from the beginning of the term to ensure that all classes are within contractual limitations. Almost all changes require the movement of a student from one section to another, but students remain in the same subject class. Even though the teacher may change, all classes that have multiple sections use the same calendar over the first ten days to ensure alignment of instruction. Grades from the first ten days will also follow the student and be used in the new class section.

Equalization is a random process.  Students are selected to change sections randomly.  We understand the concerns that parents and students have and we work hard to limit equalization to only those changes that must be made. After an equalization change occurs it is impossible for a student to return to their old program unless there is an error.

Cell Phone Policy

As of March 2, 2015 the Chancellor has updated the New York City Department of Education’s cell phone policy.  After consulting with the School Leadership Team, UFT and administrators, we have crafted the Midwood High School Cell Phone policy, which will become effective as of March 2, 2015.  
1- All electronic devices must be secured on the student’s person at all times: in the case of physical education gym classes where students use the locker rooms to change into their required uniforms electronic devices must be secured in a locker with a combination master lock. Midwood High School assumes no responsibility for stolen or lost cellphones.  We also provide (for a small fee) and recommend specific “tamper-proof” locks to ensure the security of a student’s belongings while they are using the gym lockers.
2- Students cannot take out an electronic device to text, call, or utilize the internet during school time in class, halls, stairwells, auditorium, bathrooms, locker rooms etc.  Cell phones must also be set to “silent” or “vibrate” while in the building.  If improper use of a cell phone is witnessed, a student will be subject to school discipline and/or the device is subject to confiscation.  Use of cell phones is also prohibited during any school drills (fire drills, soft lock down drills, etc…). The only exception to this rule is when teachers are supervising the use of electronic devices in the classroom as a learning tool.  
3- The school will establish “safe havens” where students may appropriately use their phones in school and during school hours;    A) in the cafeteria during their assigned lunch period or B) in an administrative office i.e any assistant principal, deans’ and/or guidance suites with the explicit permission of a staff member present.
4- If a parent must communicate with their child, we request that they contact the Dean’s office (718-724-8500 ext. 1132).   A dean will bring the child to room 113 where they can use their cellphone or use the school phone to contact the parents.In order to ensure limited interruptions during class time, we ask that parents DO NOT call their children while they are in class. 
5- If and when a student violates the school policy on cell phones there will be a ladder of referral  with respect to progressive discipline. It will go as follows: A) The teacher warns the student and provides parental outreach. This must be documented in the form of an email to their AP of Supervision, guidance counselor, and AP of Security, on Skedula, SESIS or other student data collection system. B) If a student uses an electronic device again, the teacher informs their AP of Supervision who then speaks to the child and provides parental outreach. C) On the third incident a cell phone referral is to be submitted to the dean which may result in the confiscation of the device and/or may lead to suspension on the Principal’s level.  D) If a student is seen and/or caught utilizing a phone without the permission of a teacher during a classroom quiz or test, the school’s cheating policy will be enforced as outlined in Feb 2014 Academic Dishonesty policy.  Cell phones are explicitly prohibited in test rooms during Regents exams.  If a student is caught with a cell phone (turned off or on) in an exam room, their exam will be immediately voided and their name will be reported to the New York State Education Department.
6- Any student who uses their phone in violation the Department of Education’s internet policy Chancellor’s Regulation B-30 or records any student(s) and/or staff member(s) without their permission is subject to school discipline in accordance to the school policy and the Chancellor’ Regulations.  

Immunization Records

Affordable Care Act

The federal Affordable Care Act requires everyone to obtain health insurance. If you or your staff receive questions from families about health insurance enrollment, please direct families to explore health insurance options here and apply online using the NY State of Health website. Note that students and their families who qualify for Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or the Essential Plan can enroll online all year long, but should do so as soon as possible to avoid paying a penalty. Students and their families who do not qualify for Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or the Essential Plan may enroll online in private health insurance plans during the next open-enrollment period. Families may also be able to enroll in private health insurance outside of the open-enrollment period if they experience a qualifying event, such as job loss or the birth of a child. You can distribute this letter to parents who inquire about health insurance enrollment policy.

Statement on Accessibility: We are working to make this website easier to access for people with disabilities, and will follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. If you need assistance with a particular page or document on our current site, please contact Midwood High School to request assistance.